Thursday, April 1, 2010

LOVE IT OR HATE IT: Skip Hop Studio Diaper Bag

While browsing at a maternity store I had spotted this diaper bag and loved it. I later received it at one of my baby showers as a gift from my Mom. Before Cole's arrival I liked it for it's sleek appearance and the fact that I could use it as a carryall and could ditch my purse. Now that Cole has arrived and I can actually give the bag a proper workout I have been very pleased. It is ROOMY! Tons of space for blankets, outfits, bottles, diapers, wipes and other extras...and this is just in the main compartment. The outside pockets are great for my phone, our camera, and my wallet. I like that it has small metal "feet" that keep it off the ground at gross places and it stays on my shoulder relatively well even when bundled in this horrible WI winter. The one downfall is that it is a bit bulky to haul around while also carrying Cole in his car seat. If I know I am going solo, and will be running a bunch of errands, I have a much smaller bag I use with only the "essentials." But once Cole is a bit more mobile I envision myself using this bag even more...just stuffed with more toys! 
Result: LOVE IT

LOVE IT OR HATE IT: Fisher Price Newborn Rock and Play Sleeper

Before Cole arrived we had decided that we didn't need a bassinet or Moses basket for him because his room was so close to ours. We could easily hop out of bed and tend to his needs whenever, no sweat, right? Wrong. Within a week of Cole's arrival we were frantic to find a safe option for co-sleeping. Due to sleep deprivation we did not do a lot of research or shop around. In my haze I remembered seeing this Newborn Rock and Play Sleeper at Babies R Us. It has been the best $49.99 we have spent since the quest for "All Things Baby" began. It is light weight and can be easily carted around the house and it collapses for easy storage. Cole likes it because when he gets excited or upset and moves around he is able to rock himself. I am not a huge fan of the pattern but it is tolerable. I tossed a much cuter and neutral throw over it so it blends into our decor (But that is my hangup-I don't like baby stuff to look like baby stuff. I realize they are necessary items but does it all have to be so obnoxious and bright and ugly?). It definitely helped us get a few more minutes of sleep here and there because we pulled it right up next to our bed, so the babe was nice and close. We can hear and respond to every snorfle and snuffle and all other weird baby noises. It's also great to use throughout the day when we are trying desperately to get something else done.
Result: LOVE IT